Not much time
The last couple of days I helped Animation Works in making a teaser for a client. "And it always takes more time than you think!" In this case we (or should I say "I") had very little time to get the job done and I also live miles away from the AW studio… If everything goes right it will take me about 2 hour to get there, but it kinda never goes right!!! We got a really f*cked up travelling-system here in Holland, in which the trains hardly ever ride on time. So "normally" it takes me 3 (3 and a half) hours to get there. The first day of the project I worked at the studio over there and by the end of the day I took the (ruff) animation back to my place. The second day I worked the animation out at my own (homemade) studio and started cleaning... as always, very ZEN. On Friyday I went back to the studio (AW) and everything went right (with me changing trains) so I could be there in 2 hours. Was it not for me dozing of and riding straight past my stop, and all the way to Antwerpen (Belgium.)It’s just a few stops later, but to get there and back again did cost me about 3 hour extra! Because of this very not planned delay I took some of the last work back home to finish and scan myself. I hope the rest (Animo, colour, music, editing... the works) will finish it on time though.
The planning is (was) that this Monday the teaser had to get online... so maybe I will post a link if that’s possible...